
Complete solution for
funeral live streaming.

Discover how technology generates inclusion, relationships, and new business.

Our purpose is to provide a completely online experience where family and friends can pay their last respects from anywhere in the world.

We provide a complete solution for cemeteries, cremation centers, and funeral homes to have this major differential implemented simply, quickly, and with total professionalism.

We are a company that specializes 100% in online funerals.

Learn about all the advantages of Adiaŭ.

Live streaming on your own website to increase traffic and SEO authority.

Shipment of professional cameras with full warranty to equip your rooms.

Suporte 365 dias por ano com acompanhamento contínuo da equipe de Customer Success.

Positioning your company on an exclusive georeferenced global map.

Generation of 100% validated leads through authentication with segmented management.

Making your funeral plans available to the entire audience.

Exclusive channel for selling wreaths, flowers, and funeral plans.

Fully reliable and secure lead database, with anonymization techniques (LGPD).

Exclusive donation channel for humanitarian aid or cultural customs.

Direct contact channel with psychologists and support groups for the bereaved.

Messaging and tribute system with display in funeral rooms.

Exclusive videos from your company for the introduction and conclusion of streaming.

Personalized obituary and tribute book generator.

Automatic recording of ceremonies.

Global and per transmission access reports and graphs.

Full compliance with LGPD regulations.

Complete API for integration with your management software (ERP).

Layout with global usability standards and native multi-language interface.

Sign up for our technology right now!